Sun City (SCHOA) Business of the Year

Sun City Home Owners Association (SCHOA) hosted its 2016 Annual Meeting at the Fairway Recreation Center in Sun City on Wednesday, January 13th, 2016. SCHOA Vice President, Ben Roloff spoke to a full house including several Arizona state officials about the screening process in which Sun City Business Partners are selected by scrutinizing their “report cards”. Showing a tremendous appreciation, Mr. Roloff compared these partners to students, "These business not only represent the best students of Sun City but would also be recognized as National Honor Society Students!”

By |2020-07-03T15:20:58-07:00January 17, 2016|Arizona, Blog, Sun City, Sun City West|Comments Off on Sun City (SCHOA) Business of the Year

Surprise Senior Idol

What an amazing day with some amazing talent. Thank you to everyone who poured their heart into this productions. There are over 400 images available that are sure to bring back some memories. When playing the slide show, the images look better with the full screen view. Please go to the Surprise Senior Idol gallery at Oro Valley Photography to view all of the images.

By |2020-05-12T02:39:38-07:00November 1, 2015|Arizona, Blog, Sun City, Sun City West, Surprise Free Senior Services, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Surprise Senior Idol

Senior Shower Visits

Bathing and grooming can be a very pleasant part of the day. After a bath or shower visit, seniors feel good, clean and relaxed. Additionally, the cleanliness of a shower visit makes our seniors feel better with more dignity. Unfortunately, due to the multitude of unforgiving and slippery surfaces, bathrooms are very hazardous for seniors. More than one in three seniors over age 65 fall each year, and the National Institute on Aging says 80 percent of these falls are in the bathroom. If you need a little help with bathing yourself or someone else, then consider having a professional caregiver from Adultcare Assistance Homecare come to your home for a shower visit. They can make this job both easier and safer.

By |2020-05-21T05:29:32-07:00September 6, 2015|Care by the Visit, Hourly Home Care, Live-in Care, Senior Home Care|Comments Off on Senior Shower Visits

Caregivers and Stress

December is a great time of year. There is so [...]

Community Safety Bill Signed by Governor Jan Brewer

Adultcare Assistance was honored for support of the Golf Cart Legislation Signing of House Bill 2027 signed by Govenor Janice K. Brewer.

FREE Document Shredding

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