A daughter struggling through the complications of elder care management of her Mom with advanced Alzheimer’s Disease is thankful for Adultcare Assistance Homecare. Hospice helped with the medical needs but this family needed much more. Because in-home hospice does not typically cover 24 hour care, our caregivers filled the void helping reduce family tension with much needed respite care.
One day, while listening to good ole Country Western Music, Mom began tapping her foot. Familiar music can often be comforting to seniors with Alzheimer’s Disease. Continuing to be moved by the music, Mom started dancing with the daughter. Mom was more like herself than she had been in a long time. This was a joyous time for the family that was videotaped by the caregiver. That evening, Mom slipped into a coma and never woke.
The daughter is thankful for this last dance. She thanked us saying,”I got my Mom back. She was herself again”. Moments like this fuel the caregivers at Adultcare Assistance Homecare to make a difference in the lives of others.